Here, the newsletter. Fresh and alarm clock like the face of Neff. As already mentioned, several updates in recent days on site, but we will not delude ourselves: we hardly you will find the concert of your life. The subject is even worse for the festival here in Italy, but who, I'm sure that has already chosen the heart Festivalino abroad, which sent money and youth. Wait anxiously for the return of interference frequency, whose glorious memories are treasured. Alternatively, try here. You can not miss.
- newsletter # 4
Who could imagine that we would come to this? That is, the point of not knowing what is the point? They took the best part of 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas', that is Las Vegas, and there was only fear and delirium, that we live in our little suckers Noantri Las Vegas. All against all, and these fights are forcing us to eat a lot of dust. Too much, too much even for Neffa, who sits silent to remember the good old days of 'Miss', a little growing melancholy too, it was always with a smile on his lips Guaglione nice. The newsletter has
volorantariamete observed silence for a long time and we caught the infamous as well for this. Take them as signs of affection. We scoundrels militants, after all.
Perquanto, we never tire of saying that the site updates regularly and continue undeterred, and that's what counts with regard to this cabin.
Below is a list of band / dj / entities' music, you find below, we added new dates and / or modified and / or canceled on the site of Italy Gig List (
know perfectly the point and you have no idea that we are talking about? Obviously, your membership in this nevsletter has become redundant. Let us not continue to yammer at your own expense by sending this message: 'No dust in my house!' and your subscription to the newsletter will intake.
ItalyGigList Laboratories
no rocks in your shoes
We added new dates:
- electrics
- Fiya
- Jackie-O Motherfucker-
- Fantomas
- Antony & the Johnsons
- The Faint + BRIGHT EYES
- electronics
- Adam BEYER
- Dave Stewart + CLARKE WALKER
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