Saturday, June 3, 2006

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Two words to mo 'introduction

Bologna, 25 August 2004
Tickets Travel comes from notes hastily scribbled on scraps of paper during a three-week stay in Palestine in August 2004. They tell of an international student at the University of Birzeit and the forms that gradually took meetings with the people of this land and their experiences. These are just short stories of memories and emotions hanging by a thread that binds together the secret pages. I tried to hide between the lines as possible and not to be overly partisan. I did not succeed. Every single word is in fact a photograph of a piece of my adventure, and this is my album. Also remaining are not impartial, I obviously took part of a land whose flesh is torn apart by a plow stranger.

PS The title is not very original and I can not hide it. This is the cast of the title of a poem (given in last page) of the Palestinian poet Samih Al Qasim, the texts here and there round the inks of these pages.


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Psalms and air

Flight in the skies of Bologna. Looking out the window I see the city become confused in the distance, its colors and lose details and get foggy with importance. What is the little man and you can tell good from above a cloud. From up here we see almost as well with your heart, you have the impression that he did write to the psalmist (among other things without having to take the plane) the question of the desperate and greedy: what is man that you are mindful and the son of man that you care for him?

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Fiumicino international students camp

wait for the flight to Tel Aviv. The speaker reminds sleepy travelers do not leave unattended luggage for safety reasons. The voice repeats the message with cold insistence accent and you understand that no one is bothering to warn the casual traveler who may suffer from possible theft. Rather the reference is the so-called mass attack risk: even the smallest of the bags may contain lethal weapons, we work to not cause false alarms. An enemy threatening, subtle and invisible man there, haunts us, waiting for us around every corner: al-Qaeda! I take a coffee.

Someone inadvertently forgot the briefcase on the chair at the gate, maybe you're eating breakfast, maybe he ran to the bathroom for major causes. Three uniformed police tremble in front of the body of the suspected offense, the fourth man involved, and finally opens the bomb, others cover their face, some passers-by stopped their ears, but the sudden arrival is late ... maybe it's a delayed fuse or maybe we are retarded.

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Birzeit University Birzeit

Professor Barghouti said the dream of a university than a school for apprentice wizards, but a place of training human for its young, a space to provide them the opportunity to experience unique and important meetings which, combined with the study, give everyone tools to grow, reflect and become more aware of reality and her place in society. Dream citizens / and better, and points out voluntary work in the camp is vital in developing the concept of service and sharing. Who studies is not a privileged scion of an adventurer or the social ladder. E 'rather than a person ready to work for the society they live with the greater responsibility that comes from his knowledge and know-how.

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The group camp consists of Birzeit University students and young from a little 'all over the world, curious to visit Palestine, to know his country, meet its people and see if it really is so easy to die. The atmosphere is rich and served as one of the best salads. Flavours of people here and elsewhere are combined and mixed in an experiment in the kitchen.
On the dark side of a barren mountain held a workshop for trade, respect and friendship ... at the foot of that hill, not far from here, and their armored military camouflage make life impossible for a people.

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Zionism Theodor Herzl

Movement cultural, social and political modern aims to preserve, enhance and spread the Jewish consciousness of Jews around the world, in promoting any particular action that the meeting of all the Jews scattered in the diaspora in the national office only Israel.

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Two jeep

the field. Around the warmth of a bonfire we gathered for a rest ', to talk, play drums and download dancing until late at night. Just a moment, and all at the same time, we turn to the alarming road that passes under the field and leads to the entrance of the university, two jeeps of the Israeli army proceed at a crawl. Fear. Hastily putting out the fire and into a gloomy silence waiting to know if the military intend to storm the field or in the case of just ordinary patrolling the area. The military will not, and the time flow again, although a bit 'nervous.

the going gets tough.

Everything here is so. A short walk from the carelessness of normality is always lurking fear, humiliation, death, war. Or maybe it's just the opposite: in the folds of cloth torn and soaked in blood, which is war, the normal search space fit to survive for a time by removing the tension is maddening that the constant violation of their own lives and for their land.

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Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), journalist, is considered the founder of modern political Zionism. In his essay "The Jewish State (Der Judenstaat, 1896) supported the universality of the Jewish problem by proposing the reconstruction of a Jewish state based not merely on grounds of religious foundations on the racial and ethnic, to settle in Palestine or Argentina. For this purpose envisaged the possibility of establishing a large joint-stock company Hebrew, under the aegis of English, dealing effectively promote this program.

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Israel's independence (1948) has its roots in the efforts of the Zionists to create a national homeland for the Jews of the diaspora threatened by the upsurge Semitism (since 1880) in Europe. Palestine, which were restored after the dispersion of 132-135 AD, some Jewish communities, seemed to be the natural place for such a fire. The Alliance Israelite and the Lovers of Zion, they founded agricultural colonies from 1870 to 1896 with the financial help of Baron de Rothschild.

the first World Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897 the founder of the Zionist Theodor Herzl outlined the goals, structures and means of implementation of the Jewish state, he said, would be made within fifty years.

indispensable organ were created in London: the Jewish National Bank to collect and administer funds necessary for the purchase of land, and the Jewish National Fund for the purchase and putting into value of the land themselves. It then increased immigration, which quickly became a huge (1908, founding of Tel Aviv). During World War Zionism, for their cooperation in the military side of Great Britain and for the scientific merits, obtained the recognition of a permanent establishment in Jewish Palestine (the Balfour Declaration, 1917) by Britain, mandatory power in Palestine after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War.

coming to power of Nazism in Germany in 1933 caused a large influx of Jews from Palestine by Germany and other European countries, this gave rise to violent reactions from Arabs, to which Britain almost completely blocked Jewish immigration (1940), including the commitments that London had contracted with the Arabs in World War II . But the rage of the Nazi persecution of Jews pushed strongly to claim the right to unlimited immigration to Palestine. He then organized the illegal immigration supported by an extensive safety net and Hagana Jewish paramilitary organization. It was so hard and long guerrilla war conducted mainly by acts of terrorism against the Arabs was inevitable that a political solution to the situation.

The United Nations in November 1947 voted in favor of partitioning Palestine into two independent states, one Arab and one Jewish. On May 14, 1948 Ben Gurion proclaimed the independence of the State of Israel, just hours before the expiry of the British mandate over the region. Exploded since the first Israeli-Arab war that only ended with an armistice in June 1949.

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Voices of the Wall

Like what is it? The wall serves to protect us from terrorists.

I do not know what it's for the wall, I know that my house was demolished by a Bulldozzer because someone had decided that the wall had to go there, Go and explain to my children!

My girlfriend is dead in an attack! Damn you blew up a bus! My girlfriend was returning from work. My girlfriend was very nice, you know ... Tell a bit ', who I will give back my wife?! Eh? I say it is right to build the wall! Do not wish on anyone what I went through. But what rights violated? An enemy is an enemy! If someone comes to my house to kill me is my right to stop it, is my life!

I am a farmer, I have always worked the land. My father worked the land and my grandfather before him. My hands are hardened by work, my heart thanks God for each crop that the earth gives me after so much hard work. Today they are ugly, are no longer the same. My field, my olive trees, vineyards, my, my whole earth has remained beyond the wall, is a hundred meters from here, but I'm not allowed to go to grow it ... I am a strong man, I work, I have land, but I have to spend days with our hands, we are confined to our homes ... these are hard times, if only I had a relative in another village, I'd already gone, but this house and this land is all that I have, I'd rather.

I do not talk about politics, who are you? Can I see your papers? However, the problem is the Arabs. The Arabs are violent, hate us, want to wipe out Israel, but this land is ours, our land is more than four thousand years. Even their religion, Islam, preach hatred against Jews.
time struggling to run, every second you see, and you decide to go until I found out ... The drug helps me to forget, to put off a defeat written in my days. Damn I have walled house. See there? The wall separates me from Palestine. On the other hand another barrier: the border with Israel that are not allowed to cross. In the middle of their colonies, we are surrounded. My life is trapped in an iron grip, in a strip of no man's land from which I can not leave, I have no prospects, I have a future to build, only to forget the past and a present that insists on reminding me.

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Stop the wall

The wall built by the Israeli government as a defensive barrier to its own territory, will be built (in part already is) within the Palestinian territories in the West Bank, beyond the boundaries determined by the UN in 1947. This is a high wall from three to nine meters, which will cover, once complete, a distance of 670 km.
Many Palestinian families have lost their homes demolished during the construction of the wall. For many farmers will not cultivate the land, remained on the other side of the wall than their homes. Some villages were divided into two by the wall, others are virtually surrounded (Qalqilya, for example). These conditions make very difficult the lives of thousands of people deprived of their homes, their land, the ability to move freely and hence the opportunity to study and work. The economy will be negatively affected by this situation. Many are already abandoning their homes and moved elsewhere on this side of the wall. What will happen to the abandoned villages? Will be destroyed? Will be occupied?

The aim of the wall is clear to a careful analysis of its path as it has been approved. The Israeli authorities intend to limit the Palestinian presence in the West Bank in an enclosed, more or less large, fenced on each side of the wall, real ghettos. These areas will be separated the most fertile land and the main water supplies. In the remainder, between the ghettos and the border, Israeli settlements continue to expand and be born again. These areas will be fully controlled by Israel, which is investing heavily in new plants and infrastructure linking them.
The wall on one side cut hundreds of Palestinian street, on the other channels and lining the roads connecting the Israeli settlements.

The final control of occupied lands, the creation of ghettos surrounded by the wall, writing off the potential for urban growth and rural Palestinian plainly the design of the Israeli government in the West Bank.
Ending the Occupation in the lands occupied in 1967 is infinitely far away, the Israeli authorities rather than marching in the opposite direction, which is planning to strengthen employment and be able to make it permanent then annex the territories to Israel. When completed, the territory under the Palestinian Authority will not exceed 25% of the area agreed by the UN in 1947, approximately 50% of the current area of \u200b\u200bthe West Bank.

The official website of the Stop the Wall Campaign against the wall and against apartheid in Palestine is full of documents, analysis and updates on the construction of the wall and how this should affect the conditions of life of Palestinian society.

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An old song

"Among the lilies of the field
a shawl for my beloved I choose, but the field is plowed
a new mine.
Among the reeds of the marshes, for my beloved
a flute, but in the valleys
do new exercises.
choose from our vineyard
the most beautiful bunch
to offer it to my beloved, but
the field, my eyes were fenced with barbed wire
My love, shut the lantern.
death m '
have extended a new deadline "

(Samih al-Qasim)

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Men, numbers, rigid plastic card ...
was once thought that the choice of the name of the unborn child would have dictated the personality and character, a bit 'as the first foundation stone of his person, a good omen for the success of the construction and the indelible memory of her first day in the light of the world.
Men, numbers, rigid plastic card ...
Two friends are called by name and are known by name and the name is more than its pronunciation, is the symbol of the mystery of the person wearing it and its uniqueness.
Men, numbers, rigid plastic card ...

'Abid studied in Birzeit, West Bank, is from Gaza.
For five years back home. We will return only when you graduate. Back to first preclude any possibility of being able to return to Birzeit to continue his studies. At his graduation party will be alone. It 'clear that the Israeli government will not allow his relatives permission to leave Gaza, safety, safety of the conquerors. 'Abid lives in Ramallah, a short walk from Birzeit, in addition to not being able to return home can not even leave Ramallah, is not authorized. 'Abid trembles every time he encounters a checkpoint and lights up a cigarette after another restless. On his paper it is written that comes from Gaza, which is tantamount to a criminal record, you never know what reaction will the Israeli soldiers in front of an out of the Gaza Strip.
Men, numbers, rigid plastic card ...
not told us anything. We had to go to Jerusalem to see the old city. It was five years since I went to visit the Temple Mount. He had not said anything. Besides, we were passing the days so beautiful together, perhaps for a moment he thought he had found space for a while 'normal and carefree, a bit' tender and stupidity. But the soldier of the checkpoint has now pulled by the hair to harsh reality. Who do you plan to make fun of him? See that guy with the army no joke! What are you doing here? What, you did not know? Hey! He did not know! On the ground! I said on the floor! Next! Perquisitelo! Freeze or I'll kill you! Stop! Uhm! Do you understand the shit! It makes one think of Jenin and fuck and be able to enter Jerusalem! Found nothing? Ok, disappear, go back where you came from and do it fast! Next, run! I said run! Run! Mohammad said there was nothing.
Men, numbers, plastic card ... stupid

In Palestine there is no freedom of movement for Palestinians. The entire area is dotted with military checkpoints of the Israeli army. You can wait for hours for their turn. They check the documents, they search bags and car. In particular, if your document is shown on the residence in a city considered threatening the security of Israel, it is virtually impossible to move outside the immediate vicinity thereof. College students away from home have special permission, but can not in any circumstances leave the campus. Access to Jerusalem is forbidden to all those who do not live in Jerusalem or that there will not have a job. East Jerusalem is part of Palestinian territories. Jerusalem is a holy city for Islam.
Palestine is like that. It 's done as many of the ghettos of many islands, outside of which no one is allowed to move. All around there is a growing sea, made of old and new Israeli settlements, the so-called settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, and the infrastructure connecting them.

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Arna's Children

Arna's Children is the title of a documentary film on life in the refugee camp of Jenin. The screen will open up the stories of a group of children that makes the theater with an old lady Israel, Arna, and with his son. Those same children who have become little more than teenagers, they will end armed to fight the Israeli army during the two-week siege of the camp in 2002. Many will die in the fighting, others will be condemned to survive. Yusuf, in particular, will become another. From the day that will see an Israeli soldier shoot a child in the school field. That child will die between His arms and the breath of his race in a desperate attempt to take her to a doctor. Locked in a crust of silence, Yusuf soon to lose his life in an attack on Israeli civilians in the city of Jerusalem.

Start a journey within a journey. The film is an excellent means of transport in this new route through the intimacy of suffering a violent people. The ribbon on my tears flowing like a music box on the notes of music. As soon as the electricity in the room I'm suffocating the soul in a vice brown and subtle, I go out, try the air, seeking the sun, seeking confirmation of the opposite of what I saw, I try to console me and a reality that I calm down, I do not want talk to anyone, I just forget it and remove, because I can not think that this is true, does empathize damn bad. On

Internet site dedicated to Mrs. Arna and its activities, you can find information on Palestine, stories and photographs. It is also possible to order the film, which is not in the market.

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Near the city of Jenin refugee camp is located the same name, who became famous after the clashes that saw him hold out for fourteen days to attack Israeli forces in 2002. For those who like the numbers 482 and that of the houses demolished by bull-dozzer after entering the field of Israeli forces. Today, two years later, the wounds of that time have not yet healed. The whole field is a worksite and work hard to rebuild what was destroyed to erase the memory of the atrocities to the looks and make room for a bit 'normal.

Along the streets of the camp is not difficult to meet Zakariya, a man in jeans and T-shirt, his face burned by gunpowder and a machine gun always at his side. In the sad face carved glass eyes, red from sleep not scratched.
Zakariya is the leader of the Brigades of the Martyrs of Al-Aqsa, an armed wing of Al-Fatha. This man, twenty-six, he lost all the family and of the friends he grew up with, who were killed during the fighting and after the invasion the camp by the Israeli army.

It 's a man long dead. A man who so loved life that's too much suffering has dried roots and made him disenchanted and a cool tool for the battle of his people. It 's a quiet man of few words. It just says he has nothing against Jews, and set not to accept any compromise on the freedom of his people. Stop fighting, he says, only if I am killed, or if Israel withdraws from our land according to UN resolutions that have defined the boundaries of the two states in 1947.

front of the Jenin camp and the many Zakariya here you can meet with difficulty walking into deep suffering. However for me it's a pain away, it's a pain to others, not mine. I feel the discomfort as being a layman in these places made sacred by the innocent blood that has been paid to rivers. I can not even imagine the edge of the blade that cut the meat to these people. So before the meeting just feel the need and the duty to comply with an almost religious silence, to contemplate the humanity of victims and executioners, to take over, most, for those who here has lost a part of themselves forever. A sparrow perched on a thread of light over the cemetery of those killed in Jenin, bored and indifferent, chirps.

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On every wall and every corner of the alley, into Palestinian towns and villages in the eye falls on colorful posters of the faces always different. Young and old, women and children, portraits of faces look serene in the streets. There are posters of martyrs, of shahid. The photo of the victim, his name and two lines on the incident.

Shahid has in fact a broader meaning, so become shahid, or martyr, fell every Palestinian, killed by the Israeli army. Some may think too much in bad taste and commemorate their dead papering the walls left and right their faces. To me that seems exaggerated is not so much the number of posters and the number of deaths.

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Shahid is an Arabic word that comes from the root -shahada, which means witness, see for yourself - and it means martyr, killed, a witness in a case. In Palestine, many bind us to call things by their name and reject words as suicide bombers or suicide bombers.

Theirs is not a suicide, they are not embittered the lives of people who decide to take off days but on the contrary, the lives of people who loved it, loved it enough to give up going to the meeting that death is a death in battle, is the desperate desire to contribute to the fight for freedom, is the only way to deal with the harsh condemnation of being of the survivors, perhaps the only survivors of a family or a group of friends, or even survived the death of his beloved / o. E 'the desire to avenge the deaths of loved ones, is an attempt to answer the question of whether it is better to die on your feet or live life to its knees.

We can discuss tomorrow whether it is moral to kill civilians or not, you can defend by saying that the Israeli army is much worse if you go to compare the numbers of victims, we can then ask what space remains for a discussion of the moral in the midst of a conflict, a war, a long-standing cycle of violence that does not knock at the door before entering or look at anyone.

What is certain is that every shahid is not a religious fanatic or a lunatic psychopath, his is the most human of reactions. In his rage the mirror of despair in the Palestinian society are forced daily to this harsh occupation.

And what responsibility weighs heavy on the heads of our journalists! What sin! But they realize what they are producing in Europe offering distorted versions of reality!? In their pens the shahid becomes a fundamentalist Islamic suicide would be the right path to heaven and the armed resistance to the latest version of the religious war against the Crusaders! And hand in hand in Europe, with pride and reason, Muslims and Arabs become troglodytes terrorists of the worst kind!

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Posters Children

What will finally the children?
What will children grow up too quickly in the folds of a bitter reality, a reality that shatters dreams as coffee cups and steals the years of childhood and ingenuity? What of the pain that makes them to nurse from the first days of life and their unexpressed anger toward a God who sees and hears their prayers naive? There is nothing to worry about when the roots are dried in the sun and tenderness of a whole generation is kidnapped in their childhood.

" A person who digs in wound of a million people away,
to him, whose tanks crush the rose garden,
to him who breaks the windows of the houses in the night,
the giver to fire a garden and a museum and sings all
A man, whose hand will melt the hair of mothers
for lost children and have come up vines,
to the one who bumped into the square from my happy
turn to Him, whose childhood dream of the air crash, in
one who breaks the rainbows,
announce tonight the children from the roots impossible
announced last night the children of Rafah:
us non-woven blankets from a braid of hair, we do not spit
on the face of un'uccisa,
after removing the gold teeth ...
Why then take from us our sweet and bullets? Why
orphan children of the Arabs?
Many thanks!
The pain made us reach the age of manhood:
we must fight!
(Samih al-Qasim, the guys at Rafah)

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Genesis, 10, 22-31: " The sons of Shem: Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram.
The sons of Aram: Uz, Cul, Gether and Mas.
Arphaxad begat Shelah, and Shelah begat Eber. And unto Eber were born two sons, one was named Peleg ... other Joktan.
Joktan Almodad generated, Selef, Asarmavet, Ieraci, worship me, Uzal, Dikla, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. All these were the sons of Joktan their home was in the mountains of the East Mesa in the direction of Sefar.
These are the sons of Shem according to their families and their languages, their lands, after their people

According to a classification that combines anthropology and legend Semites would be the descendants of the sons of Shem, son of Noah, that repopulated the earth after the flood. They are Semites, the Phoenicians, the Babylonians, Jews, Arabs ...
Lubrano would say at this point the question is ... What does that mean that Arabs are anti-Semitic?

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Dair Yasin

name of a village near Jerusalem, whose entire population was massacred unarmed 9/4/48 by the Israeli terrorist group Irgun, Menachem Begin's orders. The operation was intended to terrorize the Arab people who lived then in many other villages in the country, causing leakage and dispersion and thus allowing the destruction and / or 'employment of these villages by Israel.

Between 1948 and 1949 were destroyed around 420 Palestinian villages in the territory of the newborn state of Israel. A full list is available at .

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A key hanging on the wall

In the house of Mr. Nadim is hanging on the wall above the lintel overlooking the entrance hall, a wooden frame decorated by hand. Collects a large iron key, oxidized by time. Nadim casts an eye on that key every time and it opens the door to an evil never closed and never forgotten. Nadim was among the first to arrive at the refugee camp Jalason in 1948.

lived in a village near Haifa, then, was only 8 years but the images of his memories are still sharp as if it had happened yesterday. The military's ultimatum, his mother in tears, his father took him around to console him for his tears and he repeated that he believed the bolder, the whining just for a walk a bit 'longer than usual! He locked the house his father before leaving. He was worried, afraid that the soldiers did what they could not soak up putting in a few cases, not to mention the furniture and everything else. Soon they realized that they would not come back to the old house, including the signing of the armistice and not stayed that defeats piled rubble. The first time the camp slept under the trees next to a bonfire. Then came the curtains and the United Nations.

Jalason Today, fifty years later, is a small town self-sufficient and has raised new generations. However, there is in the eyes glistening with Nadim everyone at the camp, roads, walls, factories, shops and fields are just the veil behind which lies a hot tear Nadim bathes the heart of every evening when, before going to sleep, cast his eyes on the frame with the key. It 'weird. Usually you lose the keys, but some have lost the door and remained silent with a key in hand, looking for an old lock that no longer exists.

I have torn the roots have broken my house, was the land of my father and my grandfather before him, and before that of his father ... that is my life? Vivo waiting and dreaming of the return, but there's nowhere I can go. However, the fact of knowing does not help me, depresses me even more. We are a lost generation, a generation of ghosts. For our children who were born here is different, for them every day in the morning we leave our evil under the pillow, with his pajamas, it's just for them that we were and we built Jalason.

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Colonialism is over for centuries. I feel offended when I receive this title. People do not know the risks that entails a choice like ours. He sees this machine gun? It 's always with me is my most faithful friend, do you think I wash the pieces with a wet sponge, do not, may be damaged. Also with this history of safe sex I did not take off even more in bed, my wife also became jealous! Around armed and I take the responsibility to shoot every time someone in danger. I say, but is aware of the psychological pressure that everyday subisco?

The Palestinians must understand that this land belongs to our people to the obvious historical reasons. They must also understand, however, that we have nothing against them because they are occupying our land. We tolerate their presence and are willing to leave their fenced territories, a sort of reserve, where they can live undisturbed, we agreed to cover the cost of the fence, a solid wall that we are already building, and we are also willing to pay for our military monitor those areas and thus ensure their safety.
We did a lot for them, really. Do you think we gave a fatal blow the mafia illegal Palestinian building, demolishing thousands of houses that were built without permission of our government and arresting thousands of offenders.

People talk about what we do not know and accuse us unjustly. Take for example the checkpoint. I say, but no one has ever questioned the educational value, especially for young Palestinians, these controls? I mean, beyond the obvious security reasons, you can see in front of our checkpoint may all be equal. We make no difference: rich, poor, sick, elderly, women. An old man suffering from dysentery can wait three hours to go, just like a young man with athletic body. Ambulance has no right of way for the simple fact that doctors carry, can stand in line half a day, neither more nor less than the poor trucker carrying a load of earth. It 's a time of equality and fraternity. It also gives a break with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, people have the opportunity to spend time together without the pressures and commitments, can speak, can understand each other better and maybe make new friends. We have also always believed that sport ennobles man, why our blocks are arranged so that each should take three to four miles a day. From here one year we will have the first half of the Palestinian team coached for three thousand hedge fund. And then block traffic decreases the already alarming levels of pollution, it is our policy, careful to the environment and its protection from Monday to Sunday: days on foot from a kick to the smog!

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It is said that the city of Ramallah is a bit 'Switzerland of Palestine, in the sense that we live pretty well and freely. Located in the heart of Ramallah headquarters of Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestinian National Authority. Today, his base is his prison, Israel did not give authorization for the removal. Not much remains of the old building after it was surrounded by Israeli tanks, which certainly did not spare his fire. Old walls, with disheveled today brindelli iron armor that are tied up for themselves.

The center of Ramallah is hectic, although it should be in bed very early in the evening. People pour into the street since the morning. The taxi drivers who sing their destination nell'andirivieni orange machines. On the way we eat every hour, acrobatic flights to fill a falafel sandwich, black coffee all over the east, old ladies sitting on the floor on a blanket sell ripe grapes, red and white, just off the children may have special deals on large cucumbers and sandwiches, has already started the sales season ...

Girls in mini and girls between the veils of nostalgia, desire of the new, Ramallah is all this, the village has become big too fast and the big city, is the tradition to his uncompromising standards and a company of its many differences, is all this and more.

Stepping Ziryab, a sort of Irish pub, you can watch the city from above, see ants running along the street, back and forth. Sipping mint tea and smoking a Argila together passionately capturing the verses of some Palestinian poet, well known and much loved in this land of incurable dreamers.

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Historia Magistra Vitae , so they say, it should be. E ' Clearly, the cunning knows no bounds and is often accompanied by cleverness. So the best way to combat the educational value of history is to buy your dictation. So the past prostitutes to those in power today to tomorrow and proceed safely to the blind hole that is digging its own. It 's a fact and that is our bad luck very often a bit' everywhere. The reason is the winners. This is what happens in Israel, so too the history of this land crossed by the routes of many peoples and many cultures since the dawn of time.

happens today in the past that Israel will seek a justification of this land, possibly quite glorious, that legitimate claims ideological. So does the size of a tonic cure time of the patriarchs and all the way down to the kings and prophets and on, over two thousand years of meager and insignificant historical events of the Arab peoples mentioned only having participated in the Games of the Crusades and their (perceived) manifest hatred against Jews. Something similar happens even with the Holocaust. From the quiet memory of a tragedy, perhaps unprecedented in the history of human imbecility rain spoiled ideological moments. Yad wa-Shem is the name of the Holocaust memorial museum in Jerusalem. Definitely complete and valid in the story of what happened in the world indifference and acquiescence of major powers. Yet next to sympathy for the bloody massacre of unarmed people up to the throat of rabies in exposure to an ill-fated final photo of the museum, which concludes the historical journey with the founding of Israel in 1948 and presented it as redeeming a return to their land after the persecution, return "home".
You can not play dirty with the story, at least the intellectuals should attend more often its honesty.

Perhaps never existed Zionism? Perhaps it began half a century before 1948 the Jewish immigration to Palestine? And the Balfour Declaration of 1917? And the Israeli terrorist groups? And Irgun and Dair Yasin? And the war of 1948? And five million Palestinian refugees? Where do we put our weight behind the story as you drag ball and chain? Where to put them?

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Within the walls of the old town you can breathe the scent of dust and old you can get lost among the narrow alleys and crowded people on banquets. Aromas of spice color the air, fabrics and textiles hung catching looks. Confused tourists, devotees careless, children play, military service, tourist guides in search of groups, colorful shop windows facing each street, shawarma simmer on the spit, blood orange boxes everywhere, cardamom coffee in glasses.

The city put all her life in the narrow streets crowded and chaotic. Next market, over the maze of hills, the old low arches and steps you enter sneak in the places of religious traditions who look to Jerusalem for thousands of years. Armenians, Greek Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims have built monuments to their religious roots. Just behind the Western Wall of the ancient Jewish Temple, leads to a staircase Indoor rises majestically in the sky the golden dome of the Al-Aqsa mosque. Perfectly balances the spaces of the Temple Mount and conveys a sense of calm and good balance, blue embroidery on the walls of white threads, arabesques. It breathes peace and silence in the gardens of the crowded open space and is somewhat reassuring that time measured cyclic the notes of the voice of a muezzin calling to prayer on time, every day, at the same times every day, appointments with the tradition.

Three Steps in Via Dolorosa, difficult to imagine the scourged Christ carry his cross to Calvary, but still find fascinating in its historical sites through which the person is willing to sit down and close your eyes for a moment, in accordance with teachings of the fallen in the wind. Jerusalem by night and day el'alone has a charming atmosphere of mystery. And 'many of the city and all it belongs to, within its walls you can find the most varied cultures and customs, different religions divide the segments of the city as an orange and for once they are together, because a place so rich and precious can not and must not fall into the baseness of intolerance.