people who go to people who come
Israel's independence (1948) has its roots in the efforts of the Zionists to create a national homeland for the Jews of the diaspora threatened by the upsurge Semitism (since 1880) in Europe. Palestine, which were restored after the dispersion of 132-135 AD, some Jewish communities, seemed to be the natural place for such a fire. The Alliance Israelite and the Lovers of Zion, they founded agricultural colonies from 1870 to 1896 with the financial help of Baron de Rothschild.
the first World Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897 the founder of the Zionist Theodor Herzl outlined the goals, structures and means of implementation of the Jewish state, he said, would be made within fifty years.
indispensable organ were created in London: the Jewish National Bank to collect and administer funds necessary for the purchase of land, and the Jewish National Fund for the purchase and putting into value of the land themselves. It then increased immigration, which quickly became a huge (1908, founding of Tel Aviv). During World War Zionism, for their cooperation in the military side of Great Britain and for the scientific merits, obtained the recognition of a permanent establishment in Jewish Palestine (the Balfour Declaration, 1917) by Britain, mandatory power in Palestine after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War.
coming to power of Nazism in Germany in 1933 caused a large influx of Jews from Palestine by Germany and other European countries, this gave rise to violent reactions from Arabs, to which Britain almost completely blocked Jewish immigration (1940), including the commitments that London had contracted with the Arabs in World War II . But the rage of the Nazi persecution of Jews pushed strongly to claim the right to unlimited immigration to Palestine. He then organized the illegal immigration supported by an extensive safety net and Hagana Jewish paramilitary organization. It was so hard and long guerrilla war conducted mainly by acts of terrorism against the Arabs was inevitable that a political solution to the situation.
The United Nations in November 1947 voted in favor of partitioning Palestine into two independent states, one Arab and one Jewish. On May 14, 1948 Ben Gurion proclaimed the independence of the State of Israel, just hours before the expiry of the British mandate over the region. Exploded since the first Israeli-Arab war that only ended with an armistice in June 1949.
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