Saturday, June 3, 2006

Georgia Mortition License

Arna's Children

Arna's Children is the title of a documentary film on life in the refugee camp of Jenin. The screen will open up the stories of a group of children that makes the theater with an old lady Israel, Arna, and with his son. Those same children who have become little more than teenagers, they will end armed to fight the Israeli army during the two-week siege of the camp in 2002. Many will die in the fighting, others will be condemned to survive. Yusuf, in particular, will become another. From the day that will see an Israeli soldier shoot a child in the school field. That child will die between His arms and the breath of his race in a desperate attempt to take her to a doctor. Locked in a crust of silence, Yusuf soon to lose his life in an attack on Israeli civilians in the city of Jerusalem.

Start a journey within a journey. The film is an excellent means of transport in this new route through the intimacy of suffering a violent people. The ribbon on my tears flowing like a music box on the notes of music. As soon as the electricity in the room I'm suffocating the soul in a vice brown and subtle, I go out, try the air, seeking the sun, seeking confirmation of the opposite of what I saw, I try to console me and a reality that I calm down, I do not want talk to anyone, I just forget it and remove, because I can not think that this is true, does empathize damn bad. On

Internet site dedicated to Mrs. Arna and its activities, you can find information on Palestine, stories and photographs. It is also possible to order the film, which is not in the market.


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