Stop the wall
The wall built by the Israeli government as a defensive barrier to its own territory, will be built (in part already is) within the Palestinian territories in the West Bank, beyond the boundaries determined by the UN in 1947. This is a high wall from three to nine meters, which will cover, once complete, a distance of 670 km.
Many Palestinian families have lost their homes demolished during the construction of the wall. For many farmers will not cultivate the land, remained on the other side of the wall than their homes. Some villages were divided into two by the wall, others are virtually surrounded (Qalqilya, for example). These conditions make very difficult the lives of thousands of people deprived of their homes, their land, the ability to move freely and hence the opportunity to study and work. The economy will be negatively affected by this situation. Many are already abandoning their homes and moved elsewhere on this side of the wall. What will happen to the abandoned villages? Will be destroyed? Will be occupied?
The aim of the wall is clear to a careful analysis of its path as it has been approved. The Israeli authorities intend to limit the Palestinian presence in the West Bank in an enclosed, more or less large, fenced on each side of the wall, real ghettos. These areas will be separated the most fertile land and the main water supplies. In the remainder, between the ghettos and the border, Israeli settlements continue to expand and be born again. These areas will be fully controlled by Israel, which is investing heavily in new plants and infrastructure linking them.
The wall on one side cut hundreds of Palestinian street, on the other channels and lining the roads connecting the Israeli settlements.
The final control of occupied lands, the creation of ghettos surrounded by the wall, writing off the potential for urban growth and rural Palestinian plainly the design of the Israeli government in the West Bank.
Ending the Occupation in the lands occupied in 1967 is infinitely far away, the Israeli authorities rather than marching in the opposite direction, which is planning to strengthen employment and be able to make it permanent then annex the territories to Israel. When completed, the territory under the Palestinian Authority will not exceed 25% of the area agreed by the UN in 1947, approximately 50% of the current area of \u200b\u200bthe West Bank.
The official website of the Stop the Wall Campaign against the wall and against apartheid in Palestine is full of documents, analysis and updates on the construction of the wall and how this should affect the conditions of life of Palestinian society.
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